Connecticut Quilt Guilds

quilt guilds of connecticut

List of quilting guilds in Connecticut. Connecticut quilt guilds can help you learn and share quilting with other Connecticut residents. This list of quilt guilds is maintained on QuiltingHub.com.

List of Quilt Guilds In Connecticut

East Haddam

First Church of East Haddam Quilters Group

499 Town Street, East Haddam, Connecticut, 06423
+1 (860) 537-3323
Our Guild is a group of women who meet at First Church every Tuesday to work on projects to display &/or sell at our Annual Quilt Show.


Ellington Country Quilters

Ellington Congregational Church, 72 Main Street, Ellington, Connecticut, 06029
Ellington Country Quilters (ECQ) meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month, September through June. Meetings are held at the Ell...