Blue Earth Valley Quilters

5.00 USD/Year membership fee
1125 N Grove, Blue Earth, Minnesota, 56013



Quilters who love to learn and discuss all aspects of quilting. Please feel free to post quilt related topics, comments & photos. Organized under the auspices of BEA Community Ed, we are not a quilt guild. All quilters are welcome! If you are just thinking about quilts, you're welcome! Meetings are 7:00 pm on the 3rd Monday of the month, except Dec. & July, at the Blue Earth Area High School Choir Room - enter through Door V on the south . Show & Tell, Demos, What's Up and lots more fun. Please join us at The Upper Midwest Woodcarvers & Quilt Expo on FB!!! Slideshows & show information!



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Upcoming Events


monthly meeting

Monday, March 17, 2025 7 PM - 8 PM
Every Month on Third Monday
Blue Earth Area High School - Choir Room
1125 N Grove, Blue Earth, Minnesota, 56013
Our group monthly meeting