Scrubgrass Stitchers Quilt Guild

20.00 USD/Year membership fee
5104 Emlenton Clintonville Road, Emlenton, Pennsylvania, 16373



We welcome you to visit Scrubgrass Stitchers Quilt Guild. We have a fun group of all skill levels! We meet monthly throughout the year on the THIRD Monday of every month, except for January. We start every meeting with a social 1/2 hour so that we get to know each other better. We have a small demonstration at each meeting to keep us all learning new things. We love to see what others have completed and so we have a Show and Tell at every meeting. And we hold a bi-annual quilt show which is judged. Our group loves to attend classes, so each year we do at least one large class with a teacher from outside the guild. We do a lot of laughing and sharing so come and see what we are all about!!



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Upcoming Events


Monthly Meeting

Monday, March 17, 2025 6 PM - 9 PM
Every Month on Third Monday
Scrubgrass Stitchers Quilt Guild
5104 Emlenton Clintonville Road, Emlenton, Pennsylvania, 16373
Come join us at our monthly meeting.