Pine Needle Quilters

20.00 USD/Year membership fee
11155 Wisconsin 32, Suring, Wisconsin, 54174
+1 (920) 855-1600



The Pine Needle Quilters formed in May of 2003. We meet at the Breed Community Center on Hwy. 32, North of Suring, WI, on the third Monday of the month a 6:00 p.m. for our regular meeting. We also meet on the first Monday of the month at 9:00 a.m. for a sewing day. Bring a project and a lunch and spend the day quilting with friends. Quilting is our passion and we are dedicated to sharing our love of quilting with our community. Meeting Activities When you come to the meeting, please sign in so we know who you are. We usually have a Fat Quarter Raffle, which costs $1.00 per entry. We use this money to help pay for the cost of using the Breed Community Center. We will have a brief business meeting. At each regular meeting we also have a presentation. This can range from a new quilting technique, a demonstration on a new quilt pattern, to a trunk show. We usually end the meeting with Show and Tell, where members and guest will show the projects that they have finished up. It is usually very inspiring! Dues Dues for the group are $20 for the year, and are due in May. ​ Other Guild Activities At times we have also had speakers come in from outside our guild to lead us in a workshop, or lecture. We have also gone on a bus trip. Ideas welcome! Community Service We have given many quilts over the years for various reasons. We have quilts on hand for folks in our communities that have had a home fire, or perhaps a serious illness. We have given quilts to pediatric oncology, Hurricane Katrina, tornado victims, comfort quilts for dogs and cats and for many other reasons. Every Christmas we have been giving Christmas stockings to our local hospitals to give away to children hospitalized over the holidays. We also give baby quilts to our local hospitals, for the first babies born nearest to National Quilting Day in March. We are very proud of the commitment we have made to our Veteran's. We started making quilts for Veteran's in 2007, and since that time have given over 900 quilts to our men and women in the military. (past and present) If you want to make a quilt for a Veteran, it can either go to a local Senior who is going into the military, a local VFW or Legion post, veteran's in hospice care, or homeless veterans. You decide where you would like your quilt to go. For many years, we walked our quilts in the Mountain Memorial Day Parade and the Suring Labor Day Parade. We have also donated many dog and cat beds to our local Oconto Area Humane Society.



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Upcoming Events


Monthly Meeting

Monday, March 17, 2025 6 PM - 7 PM
Every Month on Third Monday
Breed Community Center
11155 Wisconsin 32, Suring, Wisconsin, 54174
Come join us at our monthly meeting.