
Colorado Quilt Guilds

quilt guilds of colorado

List of quilting guilds in Colorado. Colorado quilt guilds can help you learn and share quilting with other Colorado residents. This list of quilt guilds is maintained on

List of Quilt Guilds In Colorado

Colorado Springs

Piecing Partners Quilt Guild

3400 N Nevada Ave, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80907
Piecing Partners Quilt Guild of Colorado Springs (PPQG) is a group of 240 quilters and quilt enthusiasts coming together to learn about qui...


Dolores Mountain Quilters

400 Riverside Ave, Dolores, Colorado, 81323
+1 (970) 560-4426
Dedicate to all who love quilting & quilts. We hold monthly meeting, sponsor workshops, quilt shows, retreats and fun. We are located...


La Plata Quilt Guild

2500 Main Avenue, Durango, Colorado, 81301
+1 (970) 259-1079
The LPQG is a non-profit organization.


S and B Quilters Guild

175 North 1st ST, Hotchkiss, Colorado, 81419
Check out our website for Guild information. We sponsor a Quilt Show every two years. Our community projects/outreaches are Caring Quilts ...


Longmont Quilt Guild

9775 Ute Highway, Longmont, Colorado, 80504
A dynamic and welcoming group of approximately 200 quilters. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month, 6:30-9:00 p.m., Faith Luth...


Pride City Quilt Guild

10 University Circle, Pueblo, Colorado, 81005
The Pride City Quilt Guild was established on September 16, 1985. We meet monthly on the third Monday at Westminster Presbyterian Church, ...


Olde Schoolhouse Quilters

312 S 3rd Street, Westcliffe, Colorado, 81252
+1 (720) 347-8604
Olde Schoolhouse Quilters quilting guild in Westcliffe, CO

Woodland Park

Quilters Above The Clouds

1101 Rampart Range Road, Woodland Park, Colorado, 80863
OUR Charity mission of the guild is to assist our community by utilizing the talents of our members to create quilts and related items for ...


Yuma County Quilt Guild

405 South Albany Street, Yuma, Colorado, 80759
+1 (970) 595-0947
We welcome you to visit Yuma County Quilt Guild.
Map Of Quilt Guilds Near