Iowa Quilt Guilds

quilt guilds of iowa

List of quilting guilds in Iowa. Iowa quilt guilds can help you learn and share quilting with other Iowa residents. This list of quilt guilds is maintained on QuiltingHub.com.

List of Quilt Guilds In Iowa


Cable Car Quilters Guild

2310 Chaney Road, Dubuque, Iowa, 52001
Cable Car Quilters Guild serves quilters in the tri-state area of Iowa, Illinois, and Wisconsin. We meet on the third Monday of every mont...

Iowa City

Old Capitol Quilters Guild

2301 E Court St., Iowa City, Iowa, 52245
+1 (319) 621-6206
The Old Capitol Quilters Guild of Iowa City, Iowa, established in 1981, has 140+ members who share a love of quilts and quilting. Members...


Blue Water Quilters Guild

1525 Three Cross Rd (off Hwy 86), Milford, Iowa, 51351
Established in September 2006, Blue Water Quilters' Guild members from several area towns gather on Third Mondays monthly for 'show...

Sioux City

Siouxland Samplers Quilt Guild

3204 South Lakeport Street, Sioux City, Iowa, 51106
Our guild's purposes and objectives are to promote the art and education of quilt makers, quilting techniques, patterns, and history. ...


NorthEast Iowa Quilters Guild

Robey Public Library, Waukon, Iowa, 52172
NEIQG meets regularly to share knowledge of quilting with programs to help our members improve there quilting knowledge and skills. We have...

West Des Moines

Des Moines Area Quilters Guild

4501 Mills Civic Parkway, West Des Moines, Iowa, 50265
You are invited to attend a Des Moines Area Quilters’ Guild (DMAQG) meeting. You’ll find us warm, welcoming and brimming with enthusiasm fo...
Map Of Quilt Guilds Near