South Carolina Quilt Guilds
List of quilting guilds in South Carolina. South Carolina quilt guilds can help you learn and share quilting with other South Carolina residents. This list of quilt guilds is maintained on
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Sea Island Quilters
408 Carteret St reet, Beaufort, South Carolina, 29901
+1 (843) 271-5123
Sea Island Quilters: Promoting the art of quilting and instructing, encouraging, and helping others in the community to create their own qu...
Swamp Fox Quilters
3053 East Crescent Circle, Florence, South Carolina, 29506
We meet the first Thursday of the month, except July, at Pee Dee Shrine Club at 3053 E Crescent Circle in Florence. Meeting time is 9:30 am...
Fountain Inn
Busy Bees Quilt Guild
610 Fairview Street, Fountain Inn, South Carolina, 29644
+1 (209) 559-5958
We welcome you to visit Busy Bees Quilt Guild.
Cobblestone Quilters Guild
5931 Murray Drive, Hanahan, South Carolina, 29410
Cobblestone Quilters Guild was established in 1983 to foster the art of quilting, to encourage a high standard of design and technique in a...