Vermont Quilt Guilds

quilt guilds of vermont

List of quilting guilds in Vermont. Vermont quilt guilds can help you learn and share quilting with other Vermont residents. This list of quilt guilds is maintained on QuiltingHub.com.

List of Quilt Guilds In Vermont


Green Mountain Quilters Guild

1 Wildersburg Common, Barre, Vermont, 05641
+1 (802) 476-4185
The GMQG is a statewide guild which meets twice a year - in fall and spring. Any quilter in VT or NH is welcome to join. Guests may atten...


Quiet Valley Quilters Guild

115 Hillside Street, Bennington, Vermont, 05201
We have speakers, show & tells, and participate in many charities.


Milk And Honey Quilters Guild

49 Wilson Road, Middlebury, Vermont, 05753
Our guild began more than thirty years ago as a small, informal, and supportive group for quilters and anyone interesting in quilting. We ...


Calico County Quilters

342 River St., Montpelier, Vermont, 05602
We meet monthly, usually on the second Saturday of the month (Sept. through June), from 1-3 pm, to do handwork and share projects. We occa...
Map Of Quilt Guilds Near